Support your child through the life-changing transition to siblinghood.
Are you preparing for the arrival of a new baby?
Or are you already knee-deep in the chaos of juggling a baby and a toddler?
This course is filled with practical tips, tools and examples you can start using from the get-go.
This program is for you if:
You are pregnant with your second (or third or fourth) baby.
You have welcomed a new baby into the family within the last 12 months (especially if they’ve just started crawling!)
Your investment
Do you worry that your relationship with your older child will suffer when the new baby comes along?
Are you noticing changes in your older child’s behaviour and you’re not sure how to manage the situation without making it worse?
Are you concerned about how you’re going to meet the needs of both children?
Connected Families will give you the confidence to deal with whatever happens, because you’ll be guided by what your child needs. You’ll know how to handle it.

Connected Families will teach you what to focus your time and energy on, so you can forget the rest!

✔︎ You won’t be encouraged to use outdated strategies like reward charts and time outs – we know they don’t work long term and just cause frustration.
✔︎ You won’t be told that you need a military-like routine with a strict 7pm bedtime.
✔︎ You will be armed with tools and knowledge that you can fit to your unique family and situation.
✔︎ You will learn to uncover your natural parenting intuition.
What you'll get:

✔ Lifetime access to program series
✔ 3 x video modules on the key topics - connection, boundaries and feeling all the feelings
✔ 2 x bonus video modules on repair (when you’ve stuffed up) and the magical first meeting.
✔ 2 x downloadable guides - top connection strategies and tips & tricks for setting boundaries
✔ 1 x parent worksheet - understand what behaviour you find triggering
✔ 7 day money back guarantee

✔︎ How to connect with your kids in a way they’ll understand
✔︎ Quick hacks to create mini-moments of connection
✔︎ The importance of “special time”
✔︎ Why praise and connection are not the same thing
✔︎ How connection helps your child with big and small transitions

✔︎ Why boundaries actually help your child to feel safe
✔︎ Why setting boundaries is so challenging and how to overcome this
✔︎ 4 easy steps to set a boundary
✔︎ Why you NEED to maintain boundaries when a new baby comes home
✔︎ Strategies that don’t work and should be avoided
✔︎ How to recognise a “boundary moment”

Feeling All The Feelings
✔︎ Why welcoming big feelings is the “magic bullet” of parenting
✔︎ What co-regulation is and how this builds resilience
✔︎ How your own upbringing impacts the way you feel about big emotions
✔︎ The “serve and return” technique for diffusing tricky moments
✔︎ How to be the safe base your child needs
Bonus Modules

The Magic Moment
✔︎ Set up the first meeting for success
✔︎ Gen answers all of the common questions about “what to do”
✔︎ Understand what your older child needs from you in that moment

✔︎ Why you don’t need to be a perfect parent
✔︎ Why making mistakes can be a good thing IF you follow up with repair
✔︎ The 3 essential elements of repair
✔︎ What NOT to do

We are confident you will find value in our program, but if you disagree
- we will provide you with a
*We do ask that you make the effort to complete at least 70% of the series.
What they've told us
Meet Melanie D
Meet Zoe R
Hi Genevieve, 6 weeks ago I attended your talk at the Mater on bringing home a 2nd child. I just wanted to say how helpful it has been. We have been following your advice around how we manage our toddlers feelings/emotions and wow, it has helped so much! We are getting down to his eye level and taking about how he is feeling, offering big cuddles and taking one-on-one time with him each week. I have no doubt that this has made the transition to a family of four much smoother for all of us. Thank you!

Meet Jess
Hi Gen! Thanks again for the amazing program preparing me for life home with a toddler! The rainbow picture which I drew for him was a huge hit! I popped in the letter box, addressed the mail to him and we collected and opened together. The picture is up on the wall and during those difficult times I remind him of the rainbow drawing. Thanks so much!
Meet Mel C
Hi Gen, I’ve just completed your online course Connected Families. Oh my goodness I wish I had found you before now!!!! Thank you so much for giving me the tools to tap into exactly what my son Ollie needed as he adjusted to his baby sister. With your advice, we were able to prepare in advance for the an introduction that was lead by Ollie (not us) we knew how to meet his needs and then when he was showing signs of pushing boundaries we knew why and what to do!! I’m not saying every day has gone smoothly, but the difference is in our confidence, particularly knowing he needed us to be confident with boundaries and welcome any big feelings (There have been a few of these too). Thanks again Gen.

Meet Jen M
“Hi Gen, I just wanted to say how helpful your Connected Families course it has been, we had our second baby this year and we have been following your advice around how we manage our toddlers feelings/emotions and wow, it has helped so much!
We are getting down to his eye level and taking about how he is feeling, offering big cuddles and taking one-on-one time with him each week. I have no doubt that this has made the transition to a family of four much smoother for all of us.
Meet Sam
Gen I am reaching out as I just completed your Connected Families course as I am on the cusp of having my third baby and I am so grateful for this info. WHY didn’t I have this when I had my second baby? I can see with hindsight (isn’t it always 20/20) that the things we focused on just weren’t what our sweet girl needed. The child I’ve been worrying about with this baby who is due soon is my soon to be middle son and I now feel really ready to meet him where he is at and be the safe base he needs as he adjusts to becoming a big brother and a middle child. I’ve been doing all the connection ideas and it’s been helping so much with both of my kids. Really looking forward to following along with the group and your next courses. Thanks again.

Meet Lisa C
I met Gen and did her program on introducing a newborn to a toddler when I gave birth to my second baby boy at the Mater. I was nervous about how to handle the transition from one child to two while maintaining a close bond with my 2 year old. The advice Genevieve provided has really proven to be invaluable - a lot of parenting advice seems too difficult to translate to real life but this gave me simple tips and strategies which made good intuitive sense to me and were “doable”. It gave me a lot of confidence going home and while we’ve certainly had our moments, the first few weeks as a family of four have been a really happy time. I recently caught up with a friend who attended the same session when she was at the Mater and we both agreed it was the single most useful thing we did - worth the cost of admission alone!
Meet Stef T
“As a mum who liked to know what was coming for her I had researched, discussed with friends, sought options from my mother, and explored online content to better prepare myself for how to support my little one for meeting her new sibling.
It wasn’t until I heard the wise words of Gen doing her Connected Families Program that she shared the importance of maintaining the strong level of connection with my first child that would empower her to feel confident and lead us (her parents) into the world of bringing baby home in a way she could share her love and understanding with the newest member of our family.
Gen sharing the ‘Circle of Security’ Theory with me (this new baby and my firstborns mother) gave me the comfort to impart my understanding with my husband and when the time came for our two worlds to collide, as they weren’t able to meet at hospital due to COVID, it was a moment held it time in a photograph that I will forever have in my heart.
Through connection we can truly empower. Thank you Gen for giving our little family the courage and confidence to transition with ease at a time of great unease around the world, and especially for new mothers, fathers and families.

Meet Rachel C
My son, Charlie was at the ripe old age of two about to become a big brother. We read the ‘Big Brother’ book every night and told him there was a baby in my tummy but I wasn’t too sure if he had any idea. I wanted to go to your course about introducing your new Bub to our OG Bub as I had read an article, I think by Janet Lansbury about how you should expect your child to be upset as you’d betrayed them - in their eyes - and it felt awful so I was really worried how Charlie would feel.
Some of the key takeaways I had and have used were:
- Helping them with big feelings and practising empathy, ‘I know you must be really frustrated that we can’t watch another episode of Daddy Pig and it doesn’t feel fair but I promise we can watch the Pig tomorrow’ (My husband and I hate Daddy Pig, I’m a vegetarian but I’d be tempted ;-) - we use this one every day and you can see him physically calm down by knowing we realise what he is getting frustrated at.
- First meeting, I took on board to not be holding Isabelle and the first thing I did was ask Charlie if he was ok - it was the longest time ever we hadn’t seen each other and I needed him to know I felt that. His response was ‘yeah yeah where’s the baby?’
-Respect their emotions, what might seem like small things to you are massive to them so hear them out - if your partner came home and told you they’d lost their job, you wouldn’t offer them a banana and tell them to not worry :-)
- Let them break off the hug first - this one has really worked well for Charlie - I’ll always do this now and he’ll go ‘mummy!’ but I know he’s loving it.
- Bribing a kid with food in the supermarket doesn’t make you a crap parent ;-) Thanks so much!
Meet Merrin
Gen's Connected Families program was brilliant in helping us introduce our 1st child to our 2nd. She provided lots of practical tips to ease the transition for our daughter and ensure that we found ways to meet her needs during a time of great change. We've told all our friends about Gen's great program. I'm so glad we did it.
Some of the info we used:
Not holding the baby when she walked into the room and making sure my eye contact was on her. That first meeting was so great - we just gave her space to take it all in and go to the bassinet when she was ready.
Also making time for her to have special dates with mummy - even just a babycino at the cafe or a 10 min play with my undivided attention have been great reminders when I can feel her getting a bit fragile.
I think the other good one that we had struggled with in the past was when she would have a preference for either one of us - but you explained it that she is just saying in her way - "have you got this, are you in charge/are you my leader" and that really helped us understand what was happening in those moments and respond with confidence.
I have to say she has been an absolute trooper over the past 8 months and is just a beautiful older sister. She is so caring and I'm so glad we got their relationship off to a good start.
Thank you Gen for that class- and all the great content on your insta... I am still learning so much from you!

Meet Leah
“I attended the Introducing Baby to Siblings (Connected Families) at the Mater run by Genevieve and owe the amazing bond and connection my son and daughter have, to everything I learnt from that class. Like many parents, I was anxious about how my strong-willed 2yo daughter would transition from only child to one of two. Genevieve’s methods and advice comes from a balance of research and her own personal experience which is what I found really relatable. I learnt so much from the class and highly recommend it to everyone”
I’ve also attached a photo of my little ones (my little boy is now 4months old).

Get StartedIt’s not enough to know the things our kids need from us, we also need to understand how our own history and stories are getting in the way of us meeting our kids needs, and how the aim of being a perfect parent is making parenting so much more complex than it needs to be
From Gen